Thursday, September 18, 2008
Fasting Break wit Opismate
apa yg aku nak bebel ni ek?? u guys baca jelah ek!! 1st thing yg aku x puas ati wats happening dgn internet opis!! EMO btul gue!! actually semlm ada black out the whole Damansara..katanya pencawang teww rosak! (tikus serang ke??hahaha) then a few hrs gak ar..xde letrik! dah semua keje xleh wat, g chit chat then bosan..tdo..hahaha..almost 2pm baru letrik ada..then something wrong happened wit d internet connection!! *sigh*...mmglah dah lembap..lg bertambah lembap!! dahlah sebelum ni kena block mcm2....yg ni lg mcm2!! aku pun x paham...the Q is..opis byr beribu2 hengget tiap2 semuanya nak block!!! nak wat keje pun susah..sampailah colleagues & I mmg EMO!!..*sigh*
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
baby GAP
Monday, September 15, 2008
Rindu itu mesra waktu bersama
Rindu itu air mata waktu tiada
Rindu itu perasaan
Rindu itu ingatan
Rindu itu bayangan
Rindu itu sentuhan
Rindu itu kata-kata yang penuh makna dan sarat rahsia
CHYNna, Hilton KL

Oh no, did the monk survive the fall?
Don't worry, it's just another delicious dish available on the menu at Chynna.
A dash of drama in everything we do, served up with a little flamboyance.
Tuck in to your world of Chynna, for colorful, Cantonese cuisine that's ever been doubled-boiled, glazed, stir-fried, wok-fried, braised, deep-fried and steamed before!
Chynna at Hilton Kuala Lumpur.
Background of Chynna
Authentic, innovative Cantonese delicacies mixed with a touch of Shanghai theatrics - a dash of drama and flair in everything. From the resident herbalist to the tea-master, traditional Chinese musicians, calligrapher and replica of Tang Dynasty ancestral hall, the fine-dining Chinese restaurant at the Hilton Kuala Lumpur sets itself apart.
A tea master from Beijing, trained in the art of pouring the traditional welcome tea from a teapot with a metre-long spout.
Live classical music and a gift of calligraphy add to the touch of tradition. The lilt of music floats through the air to the delight of diners.
On their way out, diners are presented with their personalised menu from the calligrapher as a souvenir from the restaurant.
**Travel should take you places**
**juz wanna sharing wit u guys that i've been here...hahaha for makan2....kikiki...oklahhh...coz i'm not chinese food mania...very classy...the ID...the tip top services!! keep up ur gud work!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
merdeka...31 August 2008 yg ke 51...
merdeka kali ni...kita semua dpt cuti yg agak panjang..yelah + dgn awal Ramadhan kita bercuti fr. 29/8 - 1/9. Kebetulan *31/8 falls on drag to Monday lor..huhu..kalo x, KL mmg x cuti for Awal Ramadhan...Actually Johor, Kedah & Melaka je yg cuti..ehehe..i decided nak g Seremban..dah lama giler x ke sana..(rumah uda & alang)..b4 tt dah callin'2...ina & ateen (my niece) je balik..aween x dpt balik..cian!! ateen sabtu tu pun dh nak balik college. tulah dulu my bro's house penuh..skang bila anak dah besau2..sume dh xde kat umah. study sana, study sini. since i've been there..dah pass all d oleh2 fr. Bandung..huhu..actually reali malas nak ke mana2 pun mlm merdeka tuh but bcoz of Mayangsari..g lah last buat gue EMO je...regret lak g! mmg nak kena complaint!!! *sigh*...(x sempat lg nak tulis surat complaint!)..TUNGGU!! aku mmg GERAM!! ptg 31/8 g umah alang jap @ senawang...mkn nasi dagang..ehehe (1 of my fav gak)..then balik umah uda..pas maghrib..balik KL tp dropped by @ fendy's house @ Nilai Impian..he's my 2ndary schoolmate...dialah yg g UK dulu...mmm...i bila lagi ni? fendy, congrates coz dpt keje baru..(dkt je dgn umah!!) besnyerrr!!..yg penting gaji masyuuukkkkkkkkkk....huhu....borak2 up to around 12 gaklah..hahaha..then balik KL...then esoknya PUASA!!..**btw..i juz hope negara kita MALAYSIA...akan trus maju & kekal MERDEKA buat selamanya!!** mek bg koreng "TEPUK ASMIDAR!!" hahahaha...
bday kein & z...(chantek ker??) huhu
Thursday, September 11, 2008
new baby born lagi...ehehehe...
x lupa juga to my adopted sis..juz delivered her 1st baby boy on 6th Sep 2008 @ GHKL around 2.17pm (3.2kg). Alhamdulillah. "MOHD HAZIQ HUSSAINI"
CONGRATULATIONS!!!...semoga baby yg dilahirkan akan menjadi anak2 yg soleh & solehah..Amiinnn...:)
*kalau dpt photo nt..i'll upload later..ehehe..
kesabaranku diuji lagi...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
how EMO are you today???
reali EMO ptg td...coz of the crossbar parking at my opis!!! i saw it's x working & already goin' i saw SS doesn't touch pun..n i think y do i have to touch d card...eventually my car plak yg jd victim 4 today!!!*sigh*....EMOEMOEMOEMO!!! luckily not so adalah a little bit of scratch...*sigh*...dahlah am rushin' 4 my class + got test beb....!!!! whateva!! nxt time..i reali2 be careful n dun trust wit d damn stupid crossbar!!! nway...kna byk b'sabar bulan2 pose nih..maybe ada hikmah beside that..i feel so i have to sleeeeeeepppppppppppp....*ntah apalah yg dijawab test td...mmmm...let it be...huhu
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Study..reali damn bz for dis weekend!! EMO..
to all my fwenz...+ me toooo...ehehehe...
*juz miss sum1...tetiba!! huhu..nt adalah paparazzi tanya nih!! kelez!! ;P