Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year 2009
Malam tahun baru, kami lepaking (makan2) together somewhere in Ampang jer inclusive of Shah Alam geng. Then we went to Bukit Permai untuk menyaksikan keindahan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. I forgot to bring my LUMIX! *sigh* so many issues has been highlighted last nite but definitely not from me, from "tukang karut" actually. siapa tu??. btw, why I was switched to "mute" mode last nite? I'm so "sickening" my dear (I had no idea to explain) bcoz of been a long time, I never put myself into "overnite" mode. Vividly, I still remembered what is happening in last new year celebration. OMG!! just forget it!! that is not my fault!! you are the one who are betrayed my dear frenz!! just go ahead with your life!! I couldn't careless. thats it! Any how, I'm still missing someone that I really adore tremendously. Is anyone can replace "dia"?? I wish 1 but no idealah. siapa?? **rahsia negara**
Up to 530am, we think we should dismissed the meeting. I can't stand anymore. I'm cold already. I reached home around 545am..OMG!! it's ok, since my dear frenz came over once in a blue moon, I have to sacrifice. Lastly, even last nite is such a wonderful nite but I do not know, whether am I feel great or not. To Naima, so many **off records conversation last nite** I'll get to you later. P&C!
"New Year is the time to unfold new horizons & realize new dreams, to rediscover the strength & faith within you, to rejoice in simple pleasures & gear up for new challenges"
"Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru dengan jasad & roh yang semakin lama" *hurt910*
Monday, December 29, 2008
FYI, zan penah g buka pose dgn member² dia kt sini. katanya kena gigit nyamuk!! hahaha (teringat lak mkn kat restoran percik kt melaka..pun lebih kurang sama konsep mcm ni..kena gigit nyamuk tuh..huhu) I mmg dah lama tau intai² ni since ada kuar kt TV x berkesempatan nak g. Lastly dpt gak mkn kat sini. what can i say is such a luvly place to eat, nice menu (all is Thai's food), reasonable $, aman & tenang..luckily xde nyamuk mlm tuh..hihi. biz hr is from 5pm -12am. so kalau dah mlm² sgt tu xdelah..tu intai² lain lak..**matilah statement mek!!**
Intai-Intai in Malay is "peeping or sneaking a look". Guests will find it easy to spot this restaurant which literally sits behind a row of shop lot alongside the Ampang Ulu Klang MRR2 Highway. Situated in a lushly greenery and surrounded by the pond, the atmosphere at Intai-Intai is relaxed and casual.
Sensational local and Thai food complimented by the great location, alfresco setting and elegant "Rumah Melayu" setting alongside the pond deck make Intai-Intai Restaurant is perfect for an in time occasion or warm gathering family, friends and associates.
**p/s: ai jd promoter ker??!!**
Heads Hair By Guido
**P/S: Lain yg dicari lain yg dibeli..(dats y x leh masuk MPH, Watsons & Guardian..huhu)**
Scar Treatment??
Actually yg serum ni, i saw it previously tp quite bad smelly..huhu. so i wanna try mederma..see how its work! huhu..yg penting i got very cute sticker..(x sticker actually) yg bleh tampal kt cermin tu apa ek??(matilah aku kna bahan nt sbb x tau..see d pic) cr Mederma gel kat watson TESCO i went to Watson JJ Maluri. kat sana ada. i bought 1 which is RM31.80 for 20g. quite expensive..mmm try jelah. btw, contact lense O2 pun dah naik $$..sabo jelah. skang ni dia panggil air optic for 3pcs RM69 dulu RM60 power is not balance, so i've to buy 6pcs ler..huhu.
**Is anyone can suggest me the best idea for scar treatment?? just leave your comment ok. TQ**
Lepak Mali
zack, ayu & jijul dh terpacak fr 7pm..sape suh..x chill lah lepak awal2 kan..wakakaka..jabo & ijat pun ader..(to jabor tergezut ke nok jaz ada??) wakakaka..**matilah mek!** aku mkn char kuey teow dulu...pastu leh lagi mkn nasi lemak! matilah diet mek!! hahaha..(diet ker??) jaz ko x mkn?? mcm x caya lak?? ko layan sisha jer..kekwat! zan juga telah diheret sama lepak @ Mali. huhu. Naima ko skali lagi dituduh anak emak sbb teman mak ko g xmas party staff mak ko! (jaz yg ckp..bukan mek!) hahaha..**matilah berperang korunk pasni**
borak & borak & borak, jabor & ijat mengundur diri dulu, then zack, ayu & jijul. lastly me, jaz & zan pun balik. btw, lepaslah gian nak mkn char kuey teow..(masih teringat masa balik kelas dgn kin, lalu kt DSB mcm biasa..tiba2 aritu ada event apa ntah, dia masak char kuey teow dpn2 mata kami..pergh..terliur tuh!) huhu..
I'm Pre-Auricular Sinus Survival
on 24/12, i returned to the Damansara Specialist. Actually the appointment is in the morning then yesterday, i received a call from the clinic that the appointment has to postponed in the afternoon session (230pm). Doctor ada operation on that morning. it's oklah since I'm taking 1 day leave shouldn't be a problem.
around 215pm dah masuk bilik doctor. "How do you feel Rahman?" "so far so good doctor. i'm doin well". huhu. nervous gak nak buka jahit nih. huhu. "ok hari ni nak buka jahit kan?".. "yes doctor".."ok, u just sit there" ada 1 chair kt situ for medical purposes. doklah kt situ then, doctor pun pakai mask, then kuarkan dia punya mcm pisau jilid tu..huhu. dia start with the left ear. open up the plaster then dia tarik microscope tgk kat stitches tu..dia pun amik pisau td buka stitches tu satu2..(masa ni i was closed my eyes & dok diam2)..x lama je doc ckp dah setel..pergh so relief! hahaha..dia cuci my left ear then turned around the chair, setelkan yg right ear lak. huhu. same way goes for my right ear. after settle all those procedures, he was counting for me which how many stitches that i had!! hahaha..ok right ear: 1,2,3,4,5,6..(wow 6 stitches!!), left ear: 1,2,3,4,5 (just 5 only!)
ok everything fine, so no medicine, no further check-up. hari ni cuti ke? yes doc. (menyesal aku x mintak mc sampai ari ni) huhu. i was asked him, "doc, kalo i'm not doing this surgery, what is complication that i could be face?" oh..kalau u x wat, it will be dangerous because i'm reali concerned about the 'tract'..that tract kalau will affected the whole ears than it's really hard to do the surgery. Alhamdulillah, mine is already OK! so I'm Pre-Auricular Sinus Survival!! ;) Now, I've to looking for scar treatment! huhu..npk ler the scar.ehehe.
**the pics of stitches x perlulah diupload ek..huhu (malu ler), petang tu i bleh mandi & cuci muka dgn aman damai sbb no plaster at my ears anymore!! huhu..**
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wedding Azman 211208
masa menunggu tuh, kepanasan melanda diri, mek telah menerima 1 sms, di mana katanya fr side mirror view "seseorang" kelihatan anak emak mengelap peluh dgn beriya2, tak lupa usop pula & bobi tergelak2 mbaca sms itewww...*matilah mek!* ya ampun! after adi sampai (punca ke naima?? ko yg ckp sbb ko dh lapar..hahaha)
kin & abg syg dah g dulu sbb diaorg ada wedding lain pastu..kekwat! konsep htr sms kt mek ckp nak bergbr2 kat star cruise...??? chantek ker?? wakakaka..x dpt masuk kan? cian ko..nasib kami x g! kan jauhnya aku rasa nak sampai Pulau Indah tuh. pastu jlnnya quite lousy..sbb laluan lori kan g ke port tuh. actually wak pun nak join kami. tapi kami sampai dulu sbb dia kuar lewat sikit. org teluk nih..mmg! hahaha
kami pun parking di bahu2 jalan. jalan kg tu standardlah..agak sempit..+ semua parking kiri kanan jalan kan..kuar kete mak naima telah menegur i. yg penting naima..mak ko speaking london gitew..terkejut i tau..i pun terkelu nak jwb in london style..i ckp melayu je..wakaka..nasib mak ko x pakai turtle neck *matilah mek!!* cabottttttt!! (ha gelak2 lah tu baca citer nih!!) tp apa yg mek npk, high heel mak ko lg diva dr high heel ko?? ha sape nak jwb??!! amboi3x!!
as usual..selagi plaster di telingaku ni x berbuka lagi semua mata tertumpu ke arahku..helooooo i glamer k! nak autograph ker?? kekwat x? hahaha..kami pun mengambil makanan dan duduk kt bwh khemah. aku dok nxt to naima..kami sempat bergossip.hahaha. yg penting "abg nua" telah didera mengambil air utk mak naima..(bakal MIL ke?..huhu..panas2!) yelah katanya abg nua org kuat wedding Azman arituh. FYI, wedding ni is sebelah wife dia. azman punya family kt Semporna, Sabah. so semua member2 dijemput dtg kt Port Klang nih.
Naima ko telah dituduh anak emak oleh Jaz sbb ko bwk mak ko + balik awal..hahaha (ko blasah Jaz!) at the same time Effa & Aida pun dtg. aida dtg single sbb husband dia ada kelas on weekend kt UKM. huhu. Kak Fiza & family juga ada. Aida & Effa pun balik sebelum kami. Kami berborak2 then around 530pm baru kami balik.
Malam tu kami plan nak lepak satay station, tp dtg2 je..dah fully booked! makanan dia pun dah abes sbb ada org booking nak tgk bola kat situ. last2 kami lepak kat achai (1 food court kt ampang gak) huhu..ingat nak makan mee rebus. x dpt! me n jaz singgah umah bobi jap..sbb dia nak bagi jaz punya drill & pen co. kesayangan dia..hahaha. naik sempat lagi borak jap. suddenly bobi asked me 1 Q.."ko x rasa rindu ke dgn masakan mak ko?" (wow soklan ni touching lak...) ntah ek..tapi tipulah kalo x rasa rindu..but for me, i dah terbiasa dok KL bujang bukan dgn family. so dah lali dgn semua tuh. balik kg makanlah puas2..hahaha. actually dia tu yg rindu dgn masakan wife dia..hahaha sbb wife dia dah kena post ke kg kan..hahaha..bobi i think i should go..don't drag me into the conversation anymore..esok keje nih! huhu..(byk sgt citer..ada jer kan..)
Satay Station
from my observation, satay station ni is a family biz. ada yg jadi waiter & waitress tu semua anak beranak dia. awek yg ambil order kami ni is adik kpd owner satay station ni. jgn maen2 kakak dia (owner) tu vogue nok! pakai SLK white color lagi..**matilah mek!** yg penting adik dia very friendly. pasti mek akan mengheret korunk semua ke satay station! huhu..
i asked bobi to bring me pusing2 kt Taman TAR area bukit2 tu gak..pergh ramai org kaya nok dok sana..banglo, kondo..semua ada. scary mary gak area tu di waktu mlm..yelah i round pun around 1am..huhu. pastu i ckp.."ha yg area ni lak bila nak runtuh..kekwat dok umah atas bukit kan!" hahaha..bobi ckp kalau ptg2 ada org jogging kt track tu..dia mcm mengelilingi area tuh. kat situ gak ada golf club.
Exam Result
No. Matriks : 2005XXXXXX
No. Kad Pengenalan: 8XXXXX-XX-XXXX
bila klik jer, aku trus tutup mata, just tgk kt status LULUS atau GAGAL tu dulu..Alhamdulillah aku pass all the papers!! i like it so much my dear!!!!!!!! i got an A- for Strategic Mgt...thanx tuan haji..even paper nilah yg sgtlah penuh keemosiannya!! hahaha..the rest all my frenz congrates k!! "seseorang" yg asyik ckp kegembiraan result dia yg endless...tahniah k! coi..kekwat! so another 3 paper to go!! I reali hope, bleh grad ler mid of year 2009. InsyaAllah. Amin. then i can think about Master. huhu.
**p/s: class will be start on 30/12..eee malasnya..huhu**
Balik Kg & Balik KL
sampai kt kg, aku take a rest jap. ptg kang aku nak balik KL. esoknya ada wedding Azman @ Pulau Indah, Port Klang. he's one of my PLK's frenz. lelaki yg byk sgt mulut!! huhu..sori man. around 330pm aku gerak balik KL. as usual, aku mmg suka singgah umah my beloved frenz which is Fendy at Nilai Impian. he's my secondary school frenz. masa diploma dia study @ KUSZA, Kuala Terengganu then dia further degree @ Cardiff University, UK. pergghhh ni yg wat i jeles tp we still best frenz..huhu. dia slalu ckp kalau i masuk KUSZA dulu ada hrpn nk further ke UK..eee bestnya. tp bukan my rezeki. actually aku dh dpt KUSZA tp x g..UiTM di hatikulah katakan! hahaha. masa dia kat sana aku kt UiTM Melaka. dia slalu call me..kalau call mesti 1 hr ++ sbb murah sgt ratenya. aku sgt teruja kalau dgr citer dia study kat sana..bestnya dpt tour europe..bila agaknya my turn?? huhu. he's bought double-storey house. luaslah umah dia. i reali like it!
Jalan-Jalan @ Seremban
pas aween dh beli kasut, kami jalan2 jap..i was bought the pencil cases to my 3 nieces yg still in primary school..diaorg ni gurly2 lah..hahaha..darjah 6, 5 & 4 nxt year. pastu singgah mcd jap..bli ice cream..gue pun nak kena cepat sbb nak balik segamat petang tuh.
**p/s: actually sgt risau sbb result exam dah kuar..camnelah my result..nervous!, tunggu balik KL nt baru check..takut2**
Semoga Rohnya Dicucuri Rahmat..AMIN
masa kat sana, most of org kg tuh speaking jawa beb!! gue serious x paham! actually my late parents' hometown is Muar & Batu Pahat. definitely mmg since my late parents pindah ke Labis..kat sini x ramai jawa. so my late parents x practice ler..sbb ramai aku mmg haram ler...paham pun tak..ckp lagi ler..hahaha..kalau kami x pindah..aku rasa mmg expert aku speaking jawa.huhu. 1 more thing, aku bukan geti sgt jln2 kat Batu Pahat & Muar (giler jakun!!) hahaha..serious..i admit it!! negeri sendiri tapi x tau....matilah mek! wakaka
kitaorg gerak balik ke KL around 530pm. my bro ajak pusing Muar dulu. aku teruja sgt..sebab aku mmg dah lama x ke Muar..sorry! citer sutun pun wat kt muar..huhu. nak cari mee bandung yg best in town pun kami x geti..kikiki. last2 mkn mee bandung yg x sedap! huhu..hambek ko! kami dropped by kt tepi sungai muar tuh..nice view. npklah masjid yg baru kat tanjung agas tuh..'tanjung agas'? tempat yg slalu achik sebut masa dia sekolah kat sains muar..huhu. tp aku npk dr jauh. x sempat nak ke sana..nxt time..InsyaAllah.
giler x gilernya, sampai Kajang, my sis & i trus g Seremban. sebab mmg dah janji nak tdo sana. i think much better sbb umah my bro kt seremban lagi luas..nak rehat ler..dah seharian kuar..sgt penat! nasib telinga i maintain jer..huhu. masa kt kg tuh, Ya Allah semuanya menanya..kenapa telinga nih?? glamer i jap..jgn jeles k! hahaha. sampai Seremban sempat lagi borak2 then trus zzzzz..x sedar dah!
Angin Malam @ Putrajaya..
tp aku ni mmg degil even on mc tp x geti dok diam. merayap je kejenya..hahaha. i don't want to feel so sickness or illness with this surgery!! huhu.."u have to be strong babe" (dats the word yg i dah lama x dgr fr seseorang..ops!) **matilah mek!** mlm tu aku g bwk my sis g jln2 putrajaya buat kesekian kalinya..coz esok mereka dah nak balik..huhu. actually aku mmg dah lama giler x menjenguk putrajaya since my sis "ema" dah pindah segamat. kalau masa dia lum kawen lagi..aku slalu ke skang x lagi..(nak g umah anand kedekut!) nanti ko kitaorg gegar..x kira!! kekwat kan!! mana sup ketam ko??!! hahaha..yg penting masa jln2 semua org tgk telinga aku!! wei glamer jap!! gue peduli apa kan!! hahaha..
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Admitted @ Damansara Specialist
16/12/08 (Tuesday)
830am: register for admission...keep on waiting for the 4 bedded room (lamanyer...) have to puasa fr 7am sampai operation time.
1100am: the room is available but I'm heading straight away to Day Ward which is waiting room @ OT (Operation Theatre) @ Level 3. have to change the wardrobe..huhu pakailah baju OT colour, pakai mcm shower cap then the best part is disposable underwear..huhu. keep on waiting (baring di atas katil)...dahlah aircond sejuk..(asyik nak terkenc jelah kan)
my operation will be held at around that time aku ni asyik ke toilet sampai kakak nurse yg jaga tu tanya "rahman awak takut ker?" haha..pastu nurse tu ambil blood pressure aku..pergh sampai 3x ambik..blood pressure aku pun naik ke paras x normal...nurse ckp awak relax jer..kali ke-3 turun aku x lah rasa takut sgt..I'm ready beb! tp rupa2nya nervous gak indirectly! huhu.
while waiting, pakar bius & saraf pun dtg, suh sign form then asked me a few Q. antara soklan2 yg aku masih ingat: "u student ke dah bekerja?" (ternyata i npk muda lg..jgn jeles k! huhu), "ada darah tinggi ker?, sakit2 lain?" but the best part bila dia tanya "gigi u tu original ke palsu?"...immediately my answer is "ori doctor!" hahaha...semua tu mestilah ditanya sbb ada kaitan dgn bius & operation itself!
130pm: around this time baru aku dipanggil masuk OT. doctor yg accompanied aku tu letak selimut kt blkg sbb baju OT tu sexy seh. ikat2 jer..ehehe. then pakai kasut getah mcm crocs tuh..huhu. aku wondering gak mana agaknya my doc in charge which is Dr. Roslan. rupa2nya dia dah tunggu kt dlm OT.
doc pun suh baring atas katil OT tu, dia letaklah mcm wayar2 kat dada yg slalu tgk kt dlm tv tuh, then dia pun cucuk kat tgn aku utk proses bius. Alhamdulillah senang je cari nerve, doc inject je..trus x sedar..(mcm tdo yg sgt nyenyak..serious talk beb!)
310pm: tersedar bila doc tanggalkan oxygen from my mouth, then kuar from OT, waiting @ day ward, nurse kejutkan and then i was asked "is it done?"..then i saw my sis. pastu diaorg pun tolak ke normal ward (room 322 which the last room in level 3..huhu)
5pm: around 5pm, doc dtg and asked whether do i feel dizzy, vomiting..i said not at bila ptg tu try mkn, perghhh..baru makan sikt, rasa nk muntah. trus baring..last2 mlm tu mkn roti jer. kalau dah ok, nurse suruh bangun & pergi toilet. so bila dah ok, aku trus bangun g toilet. nurse bagi pain killer ptg tuh. After Maghrib, baru lah bleh sms rakan2 to inform that i was admitted & surgical procedures has been done & went well.
830pm: naima, kin & abg syg was dtg jenguk me..thanx for d balloon & dadih. huhu. sempatlah kami bergbr2..haha..semua org igt hidung yg kena operate..nope..telinga sbnrnya. pas mereka pulang, mata pun rasa mengantuk..i need a rest. so tdo time.
17/12/08 (Wednesday)
9ooam: after breakfast, i've to took another pain killer. doc ada dtg for checking and asked the nurse to do dressing on my ears. after dressing, i'm still waiting for discharge.
1200pm: the admin staff has told me that i bleh discharge. cepat fr what i was expecting. i taught around 2pm baru discharge. so those rakan2 yg nk dtg melawat, so sorry, i dah kluar awal. masa kuar tu semua org starring at me!! arghhh...bcoz of my ears yg berbungkus. mcm alien dah. doc ckp on 24/12 u have to come nak buka jahit. i got mc up to friday only. huhu. dlm lif masa nak balik tuh, adalah 1 india sibuk je tanya "kenapa telinga?" aku dahlah xde mood, nak je aku lepuk mulut lelaki india sis yg tlg jwbkan..pastu dia ckp problem dia telinga gak..dlm hati aku..hello ko tu sakit lain, aku sakit lain k! dahlah emo, dia sibuk nak tanya2 kan! hahaha
Pre-Auricular Sinus
Preauricular sinuses are common congenital malformations first described by Heusinger in 1864. They are frequently noted on routine physical examination as small dells adjacent to the external ear, usually at the anterior margin of the ascending limb of the helix. However, they have been reported to occur along the lateral surface of the helicine crus and the superior posterior margin of the helix, the tragus, or the lobule. Anatomically, they are lateral and superior to the facial nerve and the parotid gland.
Preauricular sinuses are inherited in an incomplete autosomal dominant pattern, with reduced penetrance and variable power of expression. They can arise spontaneously. The sinus may be bilateral in 25-50% of cases, and bilateral sinuses are more like to be hereditary. In unilateral cases, the left side is more commonly affected.
A few resources that may be helpful include the eMedicine article Preauricular Cysts, Pits, and Fissures, the Medscape Otitis Media Resource Center, and the Medscape CME courses Diagnostic Methods to Treat Ear Pain in Primary Care Setting and Antibiotics Not Recommended to Prevent Middle Ear Effusion in Children.

**Look at the small hole inside the star sign**
Surgical Care
Once infection occurs, the likelihood of recurrent acute exacerbations is high, and the sinus tract should be surgically removed. Surgery should take place once the infection has been treated with antibiotics and the inflammation has had time to subside. Controversy regarding indications for surgery exists. Some believe that the sinus tract should be surgically extirpated in patients who are asymptomatic because the onset of symptoms and subsequent infection cause scarring, which may lead to incomplete removal of the sinus tract and postoperative recurrences. The recurrence rate after surgery is 13-42% in smaller studies and 21% in one large study.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Aku Sakit??
aku redha dengan ketentuanMu Ya Allah.