gambar atas ferry...still happy even fatigue wit d journey...
ok..guys since there's a lot of things dat i was forgot..i mean d exactly xtvts, i juz attached a few pics & sum caption...ahaks! for those yg dah lama x ke Langkawi...let's c all the pics...Enjoy!
stop for a while...hoping island (watching hawks)
Tasik Dayang Bunting
nice shot...ala2 paparazi
as a conclusion...dis is can considered as 1 of d best trip ever...hihihi (i knew sum ppl got controversy on tt..ahaks) on 3rd Feb...we were ready to return to KL...n juz dropped by @ Padang Besar in Perlis...so many stuffs tt u can by...ehehehe melayang lagi $$...then straight away balik KL...malam baru sampai beb! argghhhh esoknya workinglah apalagi...huhu...;P
"Dayang Bunting" ...apakah...ge ge ge
ReplyDeleteapa lagi, sila mandi di sana then wish nak bunting..
martheeelahhh..camne leh bunting padahal tak berlaki lagi..adooo