Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fasting Break wit Opismate

last Friday (120908), we juz went to Medan Ikan Bakar, Kg. Baru which is in front of Bank Pembangunan for fasting break..the charge is RM20 per pax (adult) RM10 for kids (7-12 yrs)..huhu..for me it's ok lorr...Actually a day b4..x dpt join our opis's club nyer fasting break @ felda d'saji..yelah geng2 semua x join! + i got class...juz 4get it!! hahaha..rugi woo...actually gue bukanlah very gud nak gak..overall ok ke?? i mean wats happening there?? talk turkey..i really EMOOOOO..for "some situation" was happening on tt nite!! GERAM je wan telah menjadi mangsa "sesi luahan perasaan x puas ati!!" sori wan! i have to!!...for me the venue is quite ok, the foods also ok..BUT they do not replenish the foods..+ congested & cramp while q in a buffet line!! OMG!!! do u expect kan..bukan 5 stars hotel!! i really miss PJ Hilton (Arabian Nite)...mmm...bile nak g lagi buka pose di sana ek?? hahaha...some photos to share wit u guys..


  1. tau mana leh kalahkan ratewww itewwww...hahaha...-luv-

  2. medan ikan bakar tu mahallllllll siott...aritu mlm de tekene...time mlm dia de org nyanyi plak...chass lebih la tuhh...kalo sore sedap sore bangau lagi sedapp woo~

  3. ko ni semua mahal...nak murah ko bkr sndiri ikan teww...EMO jap!! hahaha...aik i think "rebonding" lagi mahal kot!! kuikui
