Sunday, March 15, 2009

KLCC & Kotak Merah, SOGO ahaks!

ni saturday punya citer..(14/3/09). since semua org bz, no xtvt, apa nak buat ni? when i sent sms semua org ada tew, ada ni..ok fine.. then i decided to go to KLCC. for me not a big deal for being alone ranger..yeah i'm ok with that. this is me..tgk wayang sorang pun i ok jer! hahaha..yeah i went there..for looking my office's shoes..huhu. it was make me more excited bcoz on last saturday is the Bonus Link Member's Day @ Parkson. i juz read friday's paper on saturday morning (how bad!)..kuikui

suddenly, salman told me that he want to come to my house. wow bagus! then he was accompanied me to KLCC. hahaha. i bought BONIA's shoes, black colour and using the voucher that has been given by Geng2 EMO. thanx my dear..oklah the $$. got 20% discount for new arrival then i got another RM40 voucher! yabedabedooooo..huhu :)

me @ KLCC :)

the shoes

using this voucher...thanx

dpt lagi RM40..huhu..

i gotta go faster..bcoz, all of sudden, adzull & lan asked for karaoke plak..perghhh..mesti pirgi nih! sori salman i have to send u very quick singgah menyinggah from one shop to another shop..hahaha. x beli apa2 pun..htr salman then g kotak merah, sogo by train. hahaha..jem woo jln..hujan tew..better naik train..much faster & easier..

so sesi lontaran vocal pun bermula..kami berlima. perghhhh charges agak mahal sebab..dah masuk petang kan..makan buffet ler..hahaha. abes karaoke, semua balikkkkkk...wei ada you'll never walk alone vs. glory glory + AF7! wakakaka

tetap feeeeelllll..wakaka

me & byan..(wah wat come back katanya..huhu)

lan bergumbira..


  1. ko mmg kekwat kan? tiap2 hari koke... jeles! nnt rumah aku, aku nk buat satu bilik tu jadi bilik koke siap dgn sound system. nnt aku jemput ko. tak yah kite membazir duit kat kotak merah tuh!kekwat!

  2. naima:

    i kan artissss..wakakaka..

    ha bagus tuh..matilah aku jer yg dtg umah ko nt!! wakaka

  3. ahaks,,,,muka i muncul sajer...
