Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh my cookiesssss...yahooo =)

Eventually i berjaya wat cookies juz now!! yahoooo...ok lah kot...nt u guys tlg jadi juri, rasa ek! hahaha (sakit perot tanggung sndiri!! kahkah!!) baru terasa penat..selama ni tau makan jer..kihkih..i start from 8.15pm till around 11pm..sgtlah gigih! some piccasss.. =)

p/s: recipe??? wowww...."biarlah rahsia" kejis kan? hahaha

ni sekadar gambar hiasan..ehehe =)

dough telah dibentuk..after gigih mengadun..ahaks!

get ready to baking...

in the oven...baking for 15 mins..

ok..dah masak..kuarkan..

see the outcome..ahaks!

lebih close-up!


  1. nak lah rasa jugak .. boleh tak ?? tengok pic pun dah menggiurkan ..

  2. aida:

    ye ke?? come & see me..sakit perut tatau..kihkih =)

  3. huh!! terenye..baking plak yea..
    hntr johor ckit!hehe

  4. 2 thumbs up !! sedap lah .. crunchy lagi .. i likeee .. no words to describe .. apa lagi .. boleh business raya ni ..

  5. aida:

    xiexie ni..hahaha
    biz raya?? arghhhh x saje suka suki..
    so jgn lupa try itu recipe rahsia..huhu =)

  6. tapi apsal kaler cam lebam jer.. wahahha..

  7. wah,sedapnyer..nk jugak!!antolah skit ky sy[ngan muka tak x tau malu]..wakaka ;P

  8. looks scrumtious..hntar sini ckt..hehe

  9. ok sesiapa nk order blh order kat i.. tp kena deposit 50% bak kate finance manager... hahaha.. tp mmg meriah cookies ko.. byk kacang n choc chips.. but little bit keras. thumbs up for the first attempt.

  10. naima:

    aik keras?? aik bukan u suka keras²..lalalala (kin gelak sbb dia for sure suker..huhu..practice k!)

    agak² kenapa ek? x cukup uli kot..lalala..xpe pasni uli pakai kaki lak..hahaha xpun u all hadiahkan i mixer kenwood..barulah feeling the naked chef! lalalala..

    p/s: naima, mana lebih kejung?!! cabotttttttt!!

  11. sukar untuk differentiate kekejungan cookies itew n kekejungan *some script cant be displayed* (u know what i mean...) because it is from 2 different sources, 1 is the dough, the other 1 is hair follicle.(giler kentang aku bercakap)
    you know practice makes perfect mcm i mula2 masa untuk korang semua dulu (nasib baik tak de yg kena cirit)..nnt kite dh hbs exam i plan nak buat makan2 lagilah... nnt aku halau family aku g holiday.. haha br best kan!
