Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dun say: karaoke lagi..wakaka!

actually today i got FAR's class..haha, but such a lovely Pn. Rose has dismissed the class early!! yahooooo...went for brunch actually @ Sec. 3 (Restoran Gembira..==>Gembira ker??ops!) plan to karaoke (kahkah..) to Green Box has been cancelled since everyone doesn't want to do so. everyone is went back..

while otw, zack has asked me to join her & jijul for karaoke @ Ampang Park..wakakaka. as what i said...dun say it's karaoke lagi..but it's true!! huhu why me so addicted one! wakaka. MOJ!!! hahaha. lagi pun ada a few "things" happened..*sigh* buhsan le i wanna think abt the "things"! better i join them..huhu.

since jijul, doesn't take any meals, so we accompanied him to have some meals @ OldTown White Coffee, Ampang Park. then we went for karaoke ler..huhu. which x lama pun. sekejap je 1hr++. actually i'm not prefer to having karaoke here. red box is much up to date & very comfortable. huhu.

OldTown White Coffee, Ampang Park

ha..fill up ur order form! huhu

mine..oklah. sedap lagi Pak Li Kopitiam..huhu

lapar ke u olz? haha sampai orange juice zack u rembat! kahkah

laksa (tetap pilihan si letopsss!! even laksa emak sndiri lebih sedap..haha)

pose istimewa utk :)

ha ni dia news ktv..dulu kt yow chuan plaza..lagilah hazab! haha

ala-ala mini market..huhu


ha baguslah tew..i sibuk nyanyi, korunk sibuk berposing verangan dgn spec mek kan! lol!

semoga peminat semua terhibur dgn persembahan saya!! hahaha

one of my WAJIB song! huhu (ada sesape teruja ker bila i nyanyi lagu ni?? 'MUNGKIN'...who knows rite?? huhu)

ni aksi apa tatau...hantam sajalah labu!

mungkinkah ini aksi kejung!!?? hahahaha cabottt!!

after karaoke, we lepaking again @ OldTown White Coffee again but @ diff location which is @ Jalan Yap Kwan Seng. huhu.. x jauh fr ampang park pun. hahaha. juz lepaking, surfing net, gossiping, read newspaper & have some hot chocs with roti bakar! sedaplah itu hot chocs.

the hot chocs with roti bakar..(serious sedap seh!)

wifi pun ada.. :)

zack, ni ke yg dikatakan ko dipanah mentari?? tan2 jlo ke?? kejis!

boss buhsan sbb dia xde lappy, so dia baca paper jer! haha

"buku muka" ke u olz?? wakaka

when it comes to 5pm, i think i gotta go..sori dear, i can't join u guys. i'm sleepy. i need to sleep. huhu. i balik, zack & jijul go to "mega mall" (as jijul said...i juz wondering...apa itu 'mega mall' rerupanya dia maksudkan mid valley..tergelak2 i!! hahaha so funny lah. 'the mall' i tau ler..zack ckp dia dr bangla mmg ckp 'mega mall' hahaha cian u jijul) balik umah...apalagi zzzzz..tapi ada 'sesuatu' yg menganggu tidur & privacy ku..(mmm..diff entry!!) :(


  1. firstly lagu anuar zain tu mmg lagu fav. i. hanya bob n u je yg sesuai nyanyi.. org lain hancusssss... hahaha
    mid valley mmg dipanggil mega mall gak lah beb. hahaha ko tak tau ke? cuma org lebih menggenali nya as mid valley.

  2. naima:

    wow..nt nak dgr bub nyanyi..kahkah

    i know lah MV Mega Mall, tp very rarelah org sebut Mega Mall. huhu. tp up to ppl lah least i know ada org sebut lain. ahaks! no offence :)

  3. nok....
    ampang park mmg tak besh!!! tp dia ade lagu yg tak de kat kotak merah...

  4. naima:

    mek dah lama tau..tplayankan ajer! huhu. mesti lagu2 lama kan..wakakaka

  5. why ar.. nowadyas people lepak kat Oldtown istead of Sturbucks.. kan kan? Starbucks sux!

  6. ries:

    murah..hahaha..ntah i follow jer! huhu
