Thursday, December 25, 2008

Admitted @ Damansara Specialist

Hye guys..lama rasanya x update blog nih, actually I was admitted @ Damansara Specialist due to "pre-auricular sinus". mmmm..apa tuh..u guys bleh refer previous post..ehehe.

16/12/08 (Tuesday)

830am: register for admission...keep on waiting for the 4 bedded room (lamanyer...) have to puasa fr 7am sampai operation time.

1100am: the room is available but I'm heading straight away to Day Ward which is waiting room @ OT (Operation Theatre) @ Level 3. have to change the wardrobe..huhu pakailah baju OT colour, pakai mcm shower cap then the best part is disposable underwear..huhu. keep on waiting (baring di atas katil)...dahlah aircond sejuk..(asyik nak terkenc jelah kan)

my operation will be held at around that time aku ni asyik ke toilet sampai kakak nurse yg jaga tu tanya "rahman awak takut ker?" haha..pastu nurse tu ambil blood pressure aku..pergh sampai 3x ambik..blood pressure aku pun naik ke paras x normal...nurse ckp awak relax jer..kali ke-3 turun aku x lah rasa takut sgt..I'm ready beb! tp rupa2nya nervous gak indirectly! huhu.

while waiting, pakar bius & saraf pun dtg, suh sign form then asked me a few Q. antara soklan2 yg aku masih ingat: "u student ke dah bekerja?" (ternyata i npk muda lg..jgn jeles k! huhu), "ada darah tinggi ker?, sakit2 lain?" but the best part bila dia tanya "gigi u tu original ke palsu?"...immediately my answer is "ori doctor!" hahaha...semua tu mestilah ditanya sbb ada kaitan dgn bius & operation itself!

130pm: around this time baru aku dipanggil masuk OT. doctor yg accompanied aku tu letak selimut kt blkg sbb baju OT tu sexy seh. ikat2 jer..ehehe. then pakai kasut getah mcm crocs tuh..huhu. aku wondering gak mana agaknya my doc in charge which is Dr. Roslan. rupa2nya dia dah tunggu kt dlm OT.

doc pun suh baring atas katil OT tu, dia letaklah mcm wayar2 kat dada yg slalu tgk kt dlm tv tuh, then dia pun cucuk kat tgn aku utk proses bius. Alhamdulillah senang je cari nerve, doc inject je..trus x sedar..(mcm tdo yg sgt nyenyak..serious talk beb!)

310pm: tersedar bila doc tanggalkan oxygen from my mouth, then kuar from OT, waiting @ day ward, nurse kejutkan and then i was asked "is it done?"..then i saw my sis. pastu diaorg pun tolak ke normal ward (room 322 which the last room in level 3..huhu)

5pm: around 5pm, doc dtg and asked whether do i feel dizzy, vomiting..i said not at bila ptg tu try mkn, perghhh..baru makan sikt, rasa nk muntah. trus baring..last2 mlm tu mkn roti jer. kalau dah ok, nurse suruh bangun & pergi toilet. so bila dah ok, aku trus bangun g toilet. nurse bagi pain killer ptg tuh. After Maghrib, baru lah bleh sms rakan2 to inform that i was admitted & surgical procedures has been done & went well.

830pm: naima, kin & abg syg was dtg jenguk me..thanx for d balloon & dadih. huhu. sempatlah kami bergbr2..haha..semua org igt hidung yg kena operate..nope..telinga sbnrnya. pas mereka pulang, mata pun rasa mengantuk..i need a rest. so tdo time.

17/12/08 (Wednesday)

9ooam: after breakfast, i've to took another pain killer. doc ada dtg for checking and asked the nurse to do dressing on my ears. after dressing, i'm still waiting for discharge.

1200pm: the admin staff has told me that i bleh discharge. cepat fr what i was expecting. i taught around 2pm baru discharge. so those rakan2 yg nk dtg melawat, so sorry, i dah kluar awal. masa kuar tu semua org starring at me!! arghhh...bcoz of my ears yg berbungkus. mcm alien dah. doc ckp on 24/12 u have to come nak buka jahit. i got mc up to friday only. huhu. dlm lif masa nak balik tuh, adalah 1 india sibuk je tanya "kenapa telinga?" aku dahlah xde mood, nak je aku lepuk mulut lelaki india sis yg tlg jwbkan..pastu dia ckp problem dia telinga gak..dlm hati aku..hello ko tu sakit lain, aku sakit lain k! dahlah emo, dia sibuk nak tanya2 kan! hahaha

@ room 322, Damansara Specialist


  1. sorry ye rahman, aku x tau!! so skang ni ko dah ok???

  2. far i'm doin well. thanx for ur concerned!! hehehe
